Temperament Test

Temperament Test

Details & FAQ

What is a Temperament Test?

While some facilities keep your dog confined much of the day (or make you pay extra for limited exercise sessions), DogCity boarders receive the same love and level of activity as our regular daycare crowd.

How Much Does it Cost?

There is a non-refundable $20 fee for the test. However, if your dog passes and you purchase a DayCare package during pick-up on the same day, we’ll waive the fee!

Why Does My Dog Need a Temperament Test?

At DogCity, dog safety is our number one priority. As such, we cannot accept aggressive dogs, or dogs with an inability to interact socially with other canines. Likewise, our facility is not designed to handle dogs in segregation/isolation. In order to insure the safety, happiness, and well-being of all our guests (including yours), all dogs are required to take our "Temperament Test" prior to participating in DayCare or Boarding activities. This gives us the opportunity to ascertain the temperament and social skills of the dog, and to ensure we do not accept aggressive/anti-social dogs.

How Do I Schedule/Arrange a Test?

Give us a call and we can set one up for you. We conduct evaluations Monday through Saturday, by appointment between 9am - 12 noon. Note: earlier is better. That way, as more dogs come in yours begins to feel more like part of the pack! See our Contact page.

What is the Process?


Each test typically lasts about 2-3 hours. You do not need to stay during this time. After we review and discuss the application information with you, you are free to go about your day. (Note: Through our experience, we are able to gain a much more realistic and accurate character assessment when parents are not present. Instead of focusing on impressing you, they can interact freely with the other dogs.)

Prior to conducting the temperament test:

We review your application together, including the dog’s full history and background. We like to learn as much as possible so we can make your dog’s transition into the pack as smooth and enjoyable as possible. This process generally takes 10 minutes, and once completed, you may leave while we conduct the evaluation with your dog at our facility.

During the temperament test:

The test generally follows along these lines:

  1. Introduce staff to dog and dog to staff.
  2. Slowly introduce your dog to a small control group of DayCare regulars (known for their well-rounded demeanor and overall social skills).
  3. Monitor your dog’s body language/posture and reaction during these critical first few moments.

  4. When we feel your dog is ready, he/she is brought into the main play space and spend the remaining time interacting with the entire pack, with continued monitoring.

This ensures a smoother transition into the pack environment, helps to identify any behavioral issues early, and improves chances for happy stress-free interactions.

After the test (test results):

Once a dog has successfully completed the test, we inform you of the good news. Your pooch will be placed into our system and will have full access to all the services that we provide. In the event that we evaluate a dog may need more training to interact safely with the pack, we will let you know and allow them to stay in one of our pet suites until you can pick them up.

We work hard to ensure the evaluation process runs smoothly while your pet is in our care so that he or she will have a happy, safe and fun time.

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